The Real Me
Behind the scenes I have another nickname I'm also very proud of, Dad. Three amazing children who are my greatest gifts from God.
Happy 13th birthday (yesterday) to my beautiful daughter. I love you Mia Grace Quinlan – Dad
“At this moment I’m so truly proud of you son & I love you very much. Congrats on graduating and moving on to the next chapter in your life. I wish you nothing but happiness, and I’m always here for you. Seems like yesterday I was pushing you in the carriage and holding your little hand entering the ocean. You’re coming up on the 6’5” door and getting ready to kick it down, but you’ll always be my “little boy.” PS, I know as a Patriots fan wearing a Jets shirt is a bit awkward, but it’s his favorite team, and he gave it to me as a gift. Your child’s high school graduation only happens once in a lifetime, so why not wear it on this very special day. Congratulations again, Troy, and to all the other 2024 high school grads along with their parents. Give your children a hug as they are our greatest gift from God. I’ll grab a stepladder and hug the big guy here right now.” Stay Blessed – Love, Dad
With my beautiful 7th grade daughter Mia yesterday on a pleasant Saturday afternoon.
- Love, Dad
Happy 15th Birthday today to my son Cole. I love you - Dad
August 25, 2024
Happy Father’s Day! It has been over 40 years since I first climbed these stairs as a skinny little, undersized Irish kid who was scared of his own shadow. Lots of special memories here, along with some great classmates from back in that era. John Michael Hughes, gone far too soon! Never forgotten. I think as we all get older, time seems to unfortunately start moving faster. Personally, I appreciate memories and places like this more now. It’s nice to take a few minutes out of this busy thing called life and return to a simple place from your past. When times were good, and the biggest stress was hoping to be picked for the kickball team that you wanted. God Bless ALL the good dads out there (and parents) on this sunny Sunday morning. You are appreciated.
- John “Stoneface” Quinlan – Father’s Day (2024)
“Happy 14th birthday to my son Cole (August 25th). It’s not easy being the middle child, (Troy 17) Mia (11), but you do it well and I’m proud of you.”
Love, Dad
My beautiful 10-year-old little daughter just made me this bracelet, "I Love You Dad" I love you Mia, thank you. ❤️
- Dad
Love you Mia ❤️
On this Christmas (2022), as a single dad, I’m blessed & thankful for the things I do have. Money can’t buy the love a child has for you straight from his/her heart on XMAS. Thank you to my 2 sons for just being so great, your presence alone is my gift today. Mia, my beautiful daughter, thank you for being so caring with a heart twice your size. The trophy you gave me today from your school store is the 1st award I’ve won in years and the most special. – John
“All I can say is, I’m honored. It’s a blessing to be your dad.”
National Son's Day, on September 28, 2023, is a special occasion to celebrate and appreciate all the wonderful sons in our lives. It's a time for parents, families, and friends to show love and support for their sons.
On this Christmas (2022), as a single dad, I’m blessed & thankful for the things I do have. Money can’t buy the love a child has for you straight from his/her heart on XMAS. Thank you to my 2 sons for just being so great, your presence alone is my gift today. Mia, my beautiful daughter, thank you for being so caring with a heart twice your size. The trophy you gave me today from your school store is the 1st award I’ve won in years and the most special. – John
On this Christmas (2022), as a single dad, I’m blessed & thankful for the things I do have. Money can’t buy the love a child has for you straight from his/her heart on XMAS. Thank you to my 2 sons for just being so great, your presence alone is my gift today. Mia, my beautiful daughter, thank you for being so caring with a heart twice your size. The trophy you gave me today from your school store is the 1st award I’ve won in years and the most special. – John
Sometimes the greatest Father's Day gifts are the ones made by a child from their heart which will forever remain priceless ❤️
Happy Father's Day 2023
- Dad of 3 Beautiful Children
Thank you, Mia, for the beautiful birthday card you made me and for being such an amazing daughter.
Love, Dad
Happy Birthday Mia, Love Dad
Today, October 30th is my birthday. Thank you to the millions who have touched my life.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
- John
Happy July 4th, 2022! My 10-year-old daughter Mia made me this Tie-dye t-shirt as her gift to me on Father’s Day. So just like I’m proud to be an American in the greatest country on the planet here in the USA, I’m proud to wear this shirt because it represents the love she has for her dad. Give your children a kiss on this Independence Day as they are our greatest gifts from God.
Much Love,
Happy 16th birthday this past week to my 6’4” tall son Troy, the oldest of my 3 children. Very proud of this young man, solid grades and always has a smile on his face no matter what. To all the other proud parents out there on this beautiful Sunday morning, give your kids an extra hug as I always say they are God’s greatest gift to us all.
God Bless,
As a parent of 3 children, they often say the middle child can feel left out. Never, this great 12 year old son of mine standing next to me is an equal part of this family along with his older brother and younger sister. Proud of you Cole, Love you. To all the other proud parents out there on this beautiful Saturday, give your kids an extra hug as I always say they are God’s greatest gift to us all.
God Bless,
"I love you"
- Dad
I was going through some photos and came across this one, probably one of my most special all-time photos. With my daughter Mia 10 years ago taking some of her 1st steps on a cool sunny Saturday afternoon in the pumpkin patch. A classic daddy daughter moment captured 4-eva. They say a picture is worth 1,000 beautiful words and that is 100% true with this one. There are still some things in this world that no amount of money can buy. This moment, priceless.
God Bless,